Useful links relating to translation:
From: (Ole Friis)
Date: Apr 13 1996 08:36:03 PM
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Subject: Re: Catalog translators wanted!
X-Mailer: Air Mail V2.0 (Unregistered) -- Amiga Mailer by Danny Y. Wong
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Status: RO

If you need some catalogs translated into Danish, feel free to contact me about it!
Please write to: for more information about me if you don't trust me
blindly :-).

From: (Christian Hujer)
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE (Petter E. Stokke)
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 12:13:53
In-Reply-To: <>
X-Mailer: YAM 1.2 by Marcel Beck
Subject: Re: Catalog translators wanted!
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Am 19-Apr-96  schrieb Petter E. Stokke:

> On 18-Apr-96 12:14:47, Ellis Pritchard  wrote:
> >>> I made a Latin language file some time ago, although it's not
> >>> quite complete. If somebody is interested in it, I could mail
> >>> them the source (assembler).
> >Anyone offering to translate catalogs into sand-script?
> >;)
> That would /certainly/ be interesting. Pali would be nice too.
> Perhaps we should contact a Buddhist monastery somewhere? :-)

  That's kewl. So now we'd have Bali, Klingon and Latin. Some more
really exclusive language- and catalog files?

  What about reprogramming the amiga's time system sometime,
making it possible to have "mars days" and "mars years" and things
like that (as anybody knows on other planets years, days and, if
they got moons, months have different lengths as on earth)

  What about setting up a homearea of exclusive amiga localizations
in the www? If anybody wants to join this project with his or her
country, .language and .catalog files, contact me at
"" subject "Localize". If this project will succeed,
noone will have to search for exclusive languages, (s)he will only
need to go to the homepage of "Localize" and hopefully either find
Bali, Klingon, Latin, Suomi etc. directly on that page or at least
a link on the homepage of that localization.


From: (Petter E. Stokke)
Subject: Re: Catalog translators wanted!
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
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On 16-Apr-96 23:22:11, Christian Hujer  wrote:

>  What about a latin translation of the catalog?
>  BTW are there already latin country and laguage files?

I've got a Klingon language file too, if anyone's interested. ;-)

From: (Petter E. Stokke)
Subject: Re: Catalog translators wanted!
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
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On 16-Apr-96 23:22:11, Christian Hujer  wrote:

>  What about a latin translation of the catalog?
>  BTW are there already latin country and laguage files?

I made a Latin language file some time ago, although it's not quite
complete. If somebody is interested in it, I could mail them the source

From: (Simon Gris)
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Subject: Re: Translators wanted
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Status: RO

 * Cross-Reply from area 'RML-MUI' (RML-MUI)

In a message of 09 May 96 Olaf Peters wrote to All:

 OP> I'm going to release my Mailtext-CustomClass soon and would like to
 OP> have
 OP> some catalog translations for the .mcp. Currently available are german
 OP> and
 OP> english, so if you would like to translate, please contact me, so I can
 OP> send you the package and the .ct file.

If you like I can translate it in french for you.


Simon Gris  FIDO 2:320/104.39  EMAIL:

From: (Christian Herblot)
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Subject: Re: Translators wanted
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Status: RO

 Hi Olaf,

 OP> have some catalog translations for the .mcp. Currently available are
 OP> german and english, so if you would like to translate, please contact
 I am French, I can do it if you want.

 Christian ( < 10 Kb ) ( < 1 Mb )

From: (Petter E. Stokke)
Subject: Re: Translators wanted
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
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Content-Length: 981

On 09-May-96 20:22:12, Olaf Peters  wrote:

>I'm going to release my Mailtext-CustomClass soon and would like to have
>some catalog translations for the .mcp. Currently available are german and
>english, so if you would like to translate, please contact me, so I can
>send you the package and the .ct file.

>Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I can do a Norwegian for you.

And this got me thinking: Someone ought to organise a way for programmers
to have their software translated, say a group of people dedicated to
seeing software in their native languages, willing to translate whatever is
thrown in their direction, and most importantly can be easily reached.
Anyone willing to undertake such a project? Or even better, does anyone
know if such a thing already exists?

From: (Ole Friis)
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE (Petter E. Stokke)
Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 08:40:24
In-Reply-To: <>
X-Mailer: YAM 1.2 by Marcel Beck
Subject: Translators Organization?
Resent-Message-Id: <"RDLwm2.0.nc2.XUPbn"@sunsite>
Resent-From: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Reply-To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
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Status: RO

Den 12-Maj-96 skrev Petter E. Stokke:

> And this got me thinking: Someone ought to organise a way for programmers
> to have their software translated, say a group of people dedicated to
> seeing software in their native languages, willing to translate whatever is
> thrown in their direction, and most importantly can be easily reached.
> Anyone willing to undertake such a project? Or even better, does anyone
> know if such a thing already exists?

I have had *exactly* the same idea. Problem is here in Denmark that many translators
literally can't spell and do not know how to make the app-translation follow the same
principles as Commodore once made. However, I haven't done anything about it yet.

I have got some megs of homepage-space. Perhaps some of it can be devoted to a
translation-organisation. I have already made an "Amiga Homepage DK" (however, it's not
*the* official Danish homapage :) ), so this would fit in good.

The way I thought it ought to work was that some people from every country could take
care of "their translators", i.e. all the translators from their country, and correct
the small errors that inevitably appear sometimes. They should also set up some
guidelines for the translation (the amount of English jargon needed etc.). And last,
but not least, they *must* inform their translators if they think their translations
are crap! We all want the Amiga to look professional, right?

BTW: What should this organization be called? Amiga Translators International (ATI)?
International Amiga Translators Organization (IATO)? And what about a motto? Can we
take money (for our expenses *only*) for translations of shareware and commercial

To all persons willing to help in starting this project: Please write back (either to
the mailing list or to my personal address).

Kind regards,
Ole Friis
(Well, actually until my Webmaster
changes it!)

From: (Massimiliano Origgi)
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Subject: Re: Translators wanted
Resent-Message-Id: <"2Yfh-1.0.xc3.m_Rbn"@sunsite>
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Status: RO

Hello Petter,
 In a message dated 12 May 96 Petter E. Stokke wrote to All :

 PES> And this got me thinking: Someone ought to organise a way for
 PES> programmers to have their software translated, say a group of people
 PES> dedicated to seeing software in their native languages, willing to
 PES> translate whatever is thrown in their direction, and most importantly
 PES> can be easily reached. Anyone willing to undertake such a project? Or
 PES> even better, does anyone know if such a thing already exists?

Well, I'm writing a program(mui based!) to reduce the amount of time needed to localize a program.
It can scan the sources, extract the IDs and build locale handling source code, cd and ct files(not exactly, I use a different format) and catalogs. It can compare the last version of the cd file with the new one and tell the programmer what has changed, something similar happens for ct files. I think all this stuff makes localization a lot faster(and less boring ;), with, maybe, a auto mailing feature of new cd files(arexx?), it could solve the problem. We could build a list of available translators and maybe we could post it on Aminet; a translators' home page could be useful too.
Just add the list in th eprogram's notebook, select the translators and mail the file!
What do you think about it?

Note: I'm available for any kind of translation in Italian.
 *Bye* /|/|   | /  |_)
    / / |AX |/IEW|OINT

From: (Yann-Erick Proy)
Subject: Re: Translators Organization?
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
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Content-Length: 2028

Ole Friis wrote:

> country, and correct the small errors that inevitably appear sometimes. They
> should also set up some guidelines for the translation (the amount of English
> jargon needed etc.). And last, but not least, they *must* inform their

I've done this for french language a long time ago. The project is named
"LignesdeGuide" (lines of guide), and a first beta version is available
more or less confidentially.

Eric Totel (MUIBuilder) is among those who have it, since we handled
commercial translations together. I wonder if he still reads this list...

> BTW: What should this organization be called? Amiga Translators International
> (ATI)? International Amiga Translators Organization (IATO)? And what about a
> motto? Can we take money (for our expenses *only*) for translations of
> shareware and commercial software?

For shareware translation, a free license/keyfile seems fair. For commercial
one, it is my opinion (and experience too) that the considerable amount of
work required (not only catalogs and online help but installation scripts,
printed manuals, register card, disk labels, and so many details) deserves
some money.

> To all persons willing to help in starting this project: Please write back
> (either to the mailing list or to my personal address).

A translation page is scheduled on my own Web site. Only the french part is
available for now. The english one should appear this week. Please check (french) (english)

I will put there the last version of LignesDeGuide. There's some english
documentation in it.

>|* Danish translator on YAM, MonthNavigator.MCC, Miami, and MailText.MCC.

I've done TDS, GuruROM, Wordworth 4SE, Personal Suite and I'm currently
working on RDB-Salv (Angela Schmidt's last project).



Yann-Erick Proy           -
A2000/Blizzard2060/Picasso/USR28k  Quantum730/Maxtor330/Toshiba4x/Cipher150

From: Francis Labrie 
Organization: Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Voodoo Demo 1.239 (Unregistered evaluation version)
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: Translators Organization?
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 11:51:50 (-0500)
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To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
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Content-Length: 2198 (Yann-Erick Proy) a �crit:
> Ole Friis wrote:
> > country, and correct the small errors that inevitably appear sometimes. 
> > They
> > should also set up some guidelines for the translation (the amount of 

    It's VERY important.  I often see very bad french translation of catalogs. 
Translators must do their job with guidelines, to keep some uniformity between
program's vocabulary, to standardize expressions.  

> > English
> > jargon needed etc.). And last, but not least, they *must* inform their
> I've done this for french language a long time ago. The project is named
> "LignesdeGuide" (lines of guide), and a first beta version is available
> more or less confidentially.

    Can I get this document, Yann?  I'm a french canadian translator, and I'm
interested to read this.

> > motto? Can we take money (for our expenses *only*) for translations of
> > shareware and commercial software?
> For shareware translation, a free license/keyfile seems fair. For 
> commercial
> one, it is my opinion (and experience too) that the considerable amount of
> work required (not only catalogs and online help but installation scripts,
> printed manuals, register card, disk labels, and so many details) deserves
> some money.

    I agree with this.

> > To all persons willing to help in starting this project: Please write 
> > back
> > (either to the mailing list or to my personal address).

    I'm interested to help has an English-To-French translator for the Qu�bec
(Quebec) province of Canada (Yes!  We are 8 million french speakers here, in

    Maybe it would be interesting for developpers to create in such Local
Organisation's Web page an index for languages and sub-indexes for
translators, with a list for their achievement and e-mail address.

    For each language sub-pages, It woulb be important to keep a guidelines
document for translators too.

    But how can we control the translation quality?  Elect a responible for
each language?  Create locale mailing-list?

Francis Labrie                        Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Montreal  Qc
Canada                                   mailto://

From: (Ole Friis)
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 20:17:32
In-Reply-To: <>
X-Mailer: YAM 1.2 by Marcel Beck
Subject: Re: Translators Organization?
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Organization: BITcom systems
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Resent-From: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
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Status: RO

Den 13-Maj-96 skrev Petter E. Stokke:

> That's about what I had in mind too. Add to that a central organising body
> somewhere, and it's spot on.

> Name? Oh well... I can't think of a good one. Guess there's nothing wrong
> with any of your suggestions. :-) And it's only reasonable to ask for a fee
> when translating commercial and shareware software, IMO. With shareware, it
> would depend a little on what kind of project it is, of course, but at
> least a free registration is not asking too much.

> But who's going to be the main organiser? Anyone feel qualified? ;-)
Well, I wouldn't mind it, problem is that I haven't got *that* much time from now on
and about a month again. But if you would like me to do it, I will!

BTW: Look at this homepage:

to see what I had in thought. Besides what is mentioned there, each "country chief"
(can anyone find a better synonym please! :) ) should cater for "his" translators with
a homepage with translation guidelines, contacts etc. Please comment my ideas!

Kind regards,
Ole Friis
(Well, actually until my Webmaster
changes it!)

From: (Marcin Orlowski)
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE (Yann-Erick Proy)
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 11:20:30
In-Reply-To: <>
X-Mailer: YAM 1.2 by Marcel Beck
Subject: Re: Translators Organization?
Resent-Message-Id: <"922cr.0.v46.iqwbn"@sunsite>
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Status: RO

Dnia 12-Maj-96   , Yann-Erick Proy napisa�:

> > BTW: What should this organization be called? Amiga Translators International
> > (ATI)? International Amiga Translators Organization (IATO)? And what about a
> > motto? Can we take money (for our expenses *only*) for translations of
> > shareware and commercial software?
> For shareware translation, a free license/keyfile seems fair. For commercial
> one, it is my opinion (and experience too) that the considerable amount of
> work required (not only catalogs and online help but installation scripts,
> printed manuals, register card, disk labels, and so many details) deserves
> some money.

  Of course. Good translation takes lot of time....

> > To all persons willing to help in starting this project: Please write back
> > (either to the mailing list or to my personal address).

  I can join as polish site.

> >|* Danish translator on YAM, MonthNavigator.MCC, Miami, and MailText.MCC.
> I've done TDS, GuruROM, Wordworth 4SE, Personal Suite and I'm currently
> working on RDB-Salv (Angela Schmidt's last project).

  I've done complete OS2.1, 3.0, 3.1 and AGraph 36, ARCalc 2.0, ARC Handler 2.0c,
AssignWedge 1.5, AZap 2.40, BGui, CatEdit 1.2b, CVMode 1.5, CyberView 2.1,
CyberWindow 2.0, CycleToMenu 2.1, db 3.2, Deft II 1.6, FlexCat 1.5, IFFMaster 1.4,
Most 1.57, MUI Builder 2.2c, Multiuser File System 1.8, PicToIcon, PicView
1.21, PPrefs 2.02, Printer 42, ReqTools 2.4, ScreenTab 1.25,
ShapeShifter 3.4, TIFF datatype 40.5, TinyMeter 4.21, ToolsDeamon 2.1a,
TrashMaster 1.7, Triton 1.4, Typeface 1.1, WSpeed 1.4, X-Trash 1.3 CED
3.5, DirectoryOpus 5, Term 4.6, xprzmodem.library, AmIRC, DPaint V,
AmFTP, Executive, Main Actor, Spot, VMM 3.3 and something more, but do not
remember for now...
